Table of Contents
- How do I ... ?
- Where can I find ... ?
- Why doesn't ... ?
- Who is ... ?
- What is ... ?
- When is ... ?
- Can I ... ?
- Do you ...?

Place an order??
You can use a number of methods. The simplest is to complete the online
form. I have made this menu driven to ensure appropriate product and
options are selected. Be sure to include the quantity required and your full
details, method of shipping and payment method.
At the payment options dropdown box, choose PayPal to ease processing which will expedite your order. At the
checkout point you also have an option to include any additional comments.
The option to place your order via email is exactly the same but will cause a
delay in you receiving your order due to the longer payment clearance process.
Please Note: Orders will not be processed until full payment is received.
In this respect using the secure (PayPal) online option is recommended so as not
to delay your order.
Note: You do
not have to subscribe to PayPal to use this facility.
Once processed, orders will usually
be processed within 5-10 working days.

Information on couplings and other products
associated with propellers??
I am unable to provide a advisory or consultancy type service and would
suggest this is obtained via the market or media network.

[This is the answer to the question.]

[This is the answer to the question.]

The lead time to manufacture??
Subject to materials availability etc, orders are processed with an
indicative date of delivery of 15 working days. Generally these are
usually within a period of 5-10 working days of receipt of payment.
In this respect using the secure (PayPal) online option is recommended so as not
to delay your order.

Delivery likely??
My products are manufactured to order, and all orders are dealt with on a
strict rotational basis. Deliveries can also be subject to materials
availability etc
Orders will not be processed until full payment is received.
In this respect using the secure (PayPal) online option is recommended so as not
to delay your order.
Once processed, orders will usually
be processed within 5-10 working days.

Pay with international currencies??
Your solution is
to pay via the PayPal system.
alternative means, although I have tried to accommodate this in the past, the costs and time
associated with converting international currencies to Sterling have made this
not viable. In this respect, you will need to make provision at the point
of order for the transaction to be in Sterling. Please do not send cash.
All other payment processes listed are accepted in Sterling.
listed for US Dollar, Euros and Australian Dollars are "Indicative" only. Please
check the market rate against the Pounds Sterling price for your
Choose alternative delivery means??
I have researched and provided the most cost effective means for delivery
given the bulk and value of products. Administrative reasons prohibit
providing greater flexibility in terms of postage and packing. Losses
and/or damage due to delivery are not included.
Make modifications to any of the products??
I do not recommend customers make any modifications to any of these products
as they could have undesirable performance or safety aspects related to the
product or associated equipment. Any modifications made to any product are the
sole responsibility of the customer. No liability is accepted for damage
or injury where any product has been modified.
Pay using Paypal??
PayPal is an accepted and the preferred
form of payment.
PAYPAL payment Credit/Debit cards accepted include:
Mastercard/Eurocard, Visa/Delta/Electron,
American Express, Solo, Switch/Maestro & Solo.
My recommendation
is to use the online order and PayPal payment option which
eases administration enabling focus on your order and ensures earliest possible
delivery of your goods.
Please Note: Orders will not be processed until full payment is received.
In this respect using the secure (PayPal) online option is recommended so as not
to delay your order.
Note: You do
not have to subscribe to PayPal to use this facility.
Pay using
alternatives to Paypal??
at this time I am retaining the following means of payment:
Credit/debit cards, cheques or postal orders. Do not send
cash by ordinary post.
Credit/Debit cards accepted include:
Visa, Mastercard, Solo, VisaElectron, JCB, Maestro (International & Domestic),
American Express.
Please note that using the above means will
cause unnecessary delays to your orders due to the administrative and clearance

Provide products in alternative materials??
Only Rudders. I can provide rudders in
aluminium for the range
outlined. It is possible to provide Resin Cast Rudders for some models.
Manufacture in Imperial and Metric sizes??
Check what is
available in the "Specials" category, if I have any you will find them here
however these are one offs and not repeated. Generally all products are based on Metric Sizes. I do not supply
Imperial Sizes. Some products can be made with "BA" thread profiles,
however these would be bespoke products and delivery times could be affected.
Provide products to unique specifications??
It may be possible but at my discretion as it would potentially impact other
customer orders. Any such request would be subject to my agreement and
reflected in the price and delivery as it would not be within my range of core
products or services.